SWIT S-1161H

Un caño!
  • 15.6″ LCD, Full HD 1920 x 1080 resolution, 10-bit color depth
  • 178/178° viewing angle, 700:1 contrast
  • 3G/HD/SD-SDI, HDMI input and loop-through output, CVBS input
  • Peaking focus assist, Red/Blue dual color (SDI & HDMI)
  • 2-Channel SDI/HDMI embedded audio meter display
  • SDI timecode display
  • Zebra stripes, Blue only mode (SDI & HDMI)
  • Marker: 4:3, 13:9, 14:9, 15:9, 1.85:1, 2.35:1
  • 3-color TALLY light
  • Magnetic LCD protective glass, Gold Mount-type battery plate
SKU: N/D Categorías: , Etiqueta:


Monitor LCD 15.6” HD SWIT S-1161H (HD-SDI y HDMI) (IPS LCD Panel con Backlight), 10-bit, color deptth, 1920x1080mpx, contraste 700:1, Angulo de vision 178 grados Viewing Angle, underscan / Overscan, Safe Area, 3G/HD/SD-SDI/HDMI), CVBS Inputs, embedded
audio meter (SDI/HDMI 2-ch), Peaking focus assist (RED/BLUE/Switch) SDI timecode Display, Blue only, Zebra Stripes, Real Time video Zoom-in and Flip, 3-color Tally Light, Costumer Editable Video Title, Magnetic Attached LCD protective glass, V-Mount.

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